Thursday, February 3, 2011

Planned Parenthood: A Mirror of the Times

There are important people in my life who utilize some of the services of Planned Parenthood. Having said that I would add that other government related services are also a part of the lives of people in my life. But what this demonstrates to me is the that our government (particularly on the federal level) has done an effective job in making itself and promoting itself as not only a vital source and the supplier of last resort but as a necessary regulator of life in general.

Facing the reality that banks would control the economy (a reality brought on by the chartering of the Federal Reserve System in 1913) government has increasingly seen its mission to be to placate the populace (whose wealth was to be slowly siphoned away) with government substitutes for prosperity. A necessary part of this transition was the reeducation of the American public to believe in the necessity of central government as source and ultimate control.

In any society markets are the wealth building engines. But markets have to function efficiently to generate and secure the wealth of a society. Efficiently functioning markets also distribute wealth fairly. Those who apply the effort receive the wealth. Cartels and monopolies are difficult if not impossible to establish within a free market.

Even so in a large and complex society, government is totally necessary. Properly functioning government can assist markets in what it does best. But what we have in the West is not government that assists markets but government that controls markets. It is the model of the entire western world. Is it working? According to Fed Chairman, Bernanke, yes. According to Bernanke inflation is low (2-3%). According to other sources, it is not working. Inflation is 5-8% and rising. In fact one of the sources (Marc Faber) says that Bernanke is flat out lying.

The significance of inflation is that it is the mechanism that most effectively transfers wealth from the productive part of the society to Wall Street. It does so stealthily but very effectively. So yes, I guess it is working. But for whom? As we all know, the uber wealthy are increasing their wealth exponentially. The rest of us are treading at best but many are slipping. This is an orchestrated transfer. This is not free market function. This is control market function.

Free market benefits ordinary folks the best. Free markets are responsive to the needs and wishes of the populace because it centers around the relationship between those who need and those who supply. Even now, a free market in health care would be providing good quality care at affordable, competitive costs. In a free market we would have full employment. On the other hand controlled markets respond to the controller which would be the government. Some may say this is good since government is “the people”. For sure government promotes itself as being of the people, by the people and for the people. But does this really characterize our present federal government? I have serious doubts. So much policy is decided by those who have not been elected by “the people”. Many of these policy makers are part of the revolving door between the President’s Cabinet (all recent Presidents), Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and the Federal Reserve. This revolving door is totally out of our control. As shown by the fact that any poll taken prior to the 2008-2009 bailouts revealed 90% or more of the people believed that AIG and others should not have been bailed out. However, at the nod of the Fed Head, they were bailed out and continue to be bailed out.

The bailout initiative has resulted in a monetary expansion of upwards of 3 trillion dollars and counting. Monetary expansion is a synonym for inflation. So when Bernanke says that inflation (the redistribution machine) is low, he can’t be telling the truth.

In government, ideology along with money rules. So the ideology that rules is the one that is voted in. In the free market place, ideology takes a secondary role and money is properly allocated. In a free market performance trumps ideology. Competition controls greed.

So the stage is set. They take the wealth and provide us with “services”. Services we could have provided for ourselves were we able to retain the wealth we as a society have generated. As a result we “need” Planned Parenthood. We “need” Social Security, food stamps, unemployment compensation, etc. All of these “needs” are a necessary part of the relationship promoted by this progressive concept of government. In addition, the fact that a dollar in 2011 is worth only about 3¢ compared to the dollar in 1913 does not mean that we have simply lost that value (wealth). Rather it means that wealth has been transferred. Wall Street now has that wealth - as if by magic.

I would much rather be able to take care of my own needs and the needs of those I love than to have to apply for “assistance” for those needs. We have forgotten that in a society with as much potential as ours we should be able to take care of ourselves. But we cannot even build an effective savings account. Because of government monetary policy, money in a savings loses value. We should be able to buy food, secure housing, acquire and sustain employment, access medical care, retire without the aid and control of government. Unfortunately I think we don’t believe that anymore. They (the money masters) have accomplished their goal well. We are all now safely wards of the state. We have attained the Orwellian paradigm. They have usurped the wealth. The stock market was up again today. There are 46 million Americans on food stamps. But we have Planned Parenthood. Soon we will have full scaled Obamacare (if the Republicans don’t derail it). Welcome to the Great Society.

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